What can I Treat Environmental Allergies?

Environmental Allergies


Avoidance of a known environmental or seasonal allergy is the most basic form of allergy therapy These allergens may include tree pollen, grass and weed pollen, dust mites, animal dander and mold. Examples of avoidance measures include but are not limited to allergen-proof pillow and mattress covers to reduce exposure to dust mites, not letting pets into your bedroom if you are allergic to pet dander, or avoidance of outdoor activities during pollen season if tree, weed, or grass pollen is the offending agent. Try your best to avoid or minimize contact with your problematic allergens.


Unfortunately, avoidance alone may not always be effective and frequently difficult to adhere to. Over the counter and prescription allergy medications can be quite effective at soothing your immune system reaction and easing symptoms. These allergy treatment options can include oral medications such as antihistamines, nasal sprays, and eye drops. Medications can control allergy symptoms but after stopping the medication, your symptoms will come right back.


When avoidance or medicines are not effective or acceptable, allergy shots or sublingual drops (known as immunotherapy) is an effective and safe method of treatment. Immunotherapy is the only proven allergy treatment that reworks the immune system to recognize the allergens and not want to react to them. Immunotherapy consists of exposing the immune system to small doses of allergen extracts to increase your tolerance to allergens. The allergen extracts can be delivered via in-office weekly injections also known as allergy shots (SCIT) or via daily sublingual drops under the tongue, also known as SLIT. Over the course of your allergy treatment, which can last as long as three to five years, your body learns not to view the substances as harmful hence limiting your experienced allergy symptoms. Allergy immunotherapy may not be safe for patients with unstable asthma or those on certain blood pressure medications. Ask one of our physicians about your treatment options.

Allergy Shots / Subcutaneous Immunotherapy AKA SCIT

This type of allergy treatment is the most common. These will require weekly subcutaneous injections that eventually will be weaned after maintenance therapy has been achieved and symptom relief is evident.

Allergy Drops / Sublingual Immunotherapy AKA SLIT

The same specific serum is created, but the delivery is different in that there are no injections! This allergy treatment utilizes dosing by administering the allergy serum under your tongue with daily drops. Patients can administer sublingual immunotherapy at home. This eliminates the need for weekly visits to the allergy office.

How Does SLIT Work?

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is a safe and easy way to build up your body’s immunity to offending allergens. This newer delivery method of immunotherapy involves self-administering your custom formulated serum by administering a few drops of serum under your tongue daily. This process helps you to develop lasting immunity.

What are the Advantages of SLIT?
SLIT is self-administered in the comfort of your own home and requires fewer office visits. Although still considered “off label” by the FDA in the United States, the research surrounding SLIT allergy treatment is promising and the therapy can be an effective treatment option for many patients.


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