What are the Differences Between Allergies and A Cold?


While allergy symptoms may seem very similar to cold symptoms there are several things that can help an individual determine what may be the cause of their symptoms. Allergies typically cause chronic symptoms while cold symptoms are more acute. A cold can affect a person for 7-10 days while allergies can affect an individual seasonally or chronically through out the year.

Cold symptoms are caused by a viral infection. Symptoms typically present asrunny or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, congestion, slight body aches, mild headache, sneezing, and a low-grade fever. As the cold is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not typically improve symptoms. Over the counter cold and flu medications will help treat the symptoms while the infection runs its course.

Allergies occur when your immune system identifies a particular allergen as harmful even though it isn’t. Your immune system reaction can inflame your skin, sinuses, airways, or digestive system.

Allergy testing includes environmental allergies. Each state has a different regional panel of what can cause allergy symptoms. Environmental allergy testing includes common tree, weed, grass, mold, animal, and dust allergens. Testing will show what your body is reacting to. Avoidance techniques can be used for certain allergies such as pet dander. If your testing shows a reaction to trees, pollens, or other common outdoor allergies a medical physician can discuss treatment options such as allergy medications which can include nasal steroids and antihistamines or immunotherapy treatment such as shots or SLIT therapy.


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